The 11 Best Office Colors to Raise Productivity in the Workplace

Best Office Colors to Raise Productivity

Color psychology has demonstrated that the colors surrounding us can impact our emotions and moods. Traditionally, individuals have selected paint colors for their bedrooms, bathrooms, and kitchens to evoke specific feelings in each area.

However, when it comes to office spaces, does the choice of paint color truly have the potential to help with productivity?

Do Colors Raise Productivity?

The color of a workplace may be a minor detail, but it can significantly impact employees’ productivity and mood based on the latest research findings. The psychological effect of colors has been thoroughly dissected in the past, concealing how certain shades can trigger distinct emotions and actions. Employers can strategically use various colors in the office to build an environment where staff can work more productively, focus better, and create much more thanks to increased efficiency.

What Colors Create What Effects?


Research shows that blue has a calming effect, making it great for environments and promoting productivity, concentration, and mental clarity. It provokes the mind, but at the same time, it doesn’t overwhelm it, which is why it is a preferred choice for offices that have more tasks that require the mind to analyze.


The color green is linked to nature and growth, symbolizing normality and the world’s balance. It serves for less eye strain and can also trigger creative and new ideas, making it much more suitable for brainstorming and spaces where collaboration is encouraged.


White can also be considered a neutral color; at the same time, it evokes feelings of cleanliness and spaciousness. Nevertheless, an excessive use of white is a risk as it may be sterile. Therefore, it is essential to balance it with other colors so as not to be repetitive.


The cheerfulness and optimism of yellow are amplified, which also stimulates mental activity and cheerfulness.


A multi-purpose and intelligent color, grey is best for making people feel calm. It’s an option that will go along very well with contemporary office spaces, making a great working environment.


Purple reminds us of luxury and imagination. Therefore, purple can stimulate creative and innovative thinking.


Exciting and mind-catching, red can raise a heartbeat and give energy, so it’s perfect for situations that need hard work or are urgent. However, if you overdo red, it screams aggression or anxiety, so it’s better to use it sparingly.


Mixing up the energy of red with the warmth of yellow, orange emerges as an invigorating color that evokes communication and collaboration. It is most appropriate for breakout rooms and areas where group work is essential.


Brown grounds and somehow aligns with the earth, so one feels a sense of stability and reliability. It also adds warmth and trustworthiness to a space when displayed with other colors.


Beige is soft and neutral, making it a good background that can help relax, thus lowering stress and making it easy to focus. Moreover, these suit offices work with employees who have to work concentrated for extended periods.


An amalgam of blue and green, turquoise takes on the tranquil properties of blue with the regenerating traits of green. It induces deep thinking and can benefit creators in areas of artistic production.

Are You Looking for Commercial Painting Services?

Hoosier Boys Painting and Drywall free color consultations will take into consideration the style, lighting, and decor of your office. So, book an appointment with us now!

Don’t hesitate to give us a call at 219-743-9292

At Hoosier Boys Painting and Drywall, we are trustworthy and reliable, and get the job done right. Book a free estimate to get started with your next painting project.

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